
We provide world-class training to develop leaders that are efficient, productive, and committed to the success of their organisation. Leadership training courses are held throughout New Zealand - register for a virtual or in-person course near you.

AUCKLAND - The SLII® Experience - April 2025

April 1-2, 2025
In Person
2795 +GST /pp

SLII® is a proven, time-tested leadership model that has been used to train over 5 million managers in the world’s most respected organisations. During this two-day in-person workshop you'll learn a new language of leadership that will help you increase the quality and quantity of conversations you have with your team, accelerate their development, increase their performance, and support autonomy.  

After completing this course, participants will be trained to

  • Compare their perceptions of their leadership style with those of their boss, colleagues, and direct reports
  • Learn how to develop competent and committed employees by diagnosing their development level, then managing with the appropriate leadership style
  • Learn how to reach agreement with others about how much direction and support they need to reach their goals
  • Use case studies, games and video situations to apply SLII to your own real-life situations

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor here.
Delivery: Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd April 2025, 8.30am to 5.00pm daily

Where: Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre, Mt Wellington, Auckland

Trainer:  Dave Cordery  Dave is a Consulting Partner and Master Trainer who is passionate about helping people achieve transformation in the leadership space optimising both their own and their organisation’s performance.

Download the Programme Overview here

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AUCKLAND - SLII® Training for Trainers - April 2025

April 1-4, 2025
In Person
8495 +GST /pp

The SLII Experience™ uses game-changing techniques that immerse learners in SLII deeply, and effectively. It’s an award-winning and dynamic design, and you can learn how to facilitate it. The Training for Trainers (T4T) program thoroughly prepares prospective practitioners, so they feel confident, motivated, and prepared to roll out The SLII Experience in their organisations.

Prerequisite:  Trainers must complete The SLII Experience™ workshop before attending Training for Trainers.

When:  Tuesday 1st through to Friday 4th April 2025, 8.30am to 5.00pm daily

Where: Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre, Mt Wellington, Auckland

Trainer:  Robert Bryce Robert is an SLII® Master Trainer, based in Auckland, who is passionate and enthusiastic about the work he does. His goal is to help people become self reliant, effective leaders. Robert enjoys working with teams to develop culture, purpose and values that lead to high performance.

Download the Programme Overview here

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TARANAKI - Blanchard Management Essentials - April 2025

April 7, 2025
In Person
1125 +GST /pp
10% concession for Taranaki Chamber Members

Help your managers succeed by giving them the essential skills to balance relationships with results.

Blanchard Management Essentials is a world-class, transformational leadership programme delivered by a local facilitator for NZ managers. It is ideal for upskilling new managers or consolidating the skills of experienced leaders.

This practical and effective one-day course, with content from The One Minute Manager® introduces the Four Core Conversations model, and the Four Essential Skills, culminating in a highly effective framework for managing people and performance. It helps leaders answer their team members’ three fundamental questions:

  • What do I have to do? (Goal Setting Conversation)
  • Am I doing it right, and if not, what behaviours do I have to change to do a good job? (Praising and/or Redirecting Conversations)
  • How did I get on with mastering that task/completing that project, and what did we learn? (Wrapping Up Conversations)

During this one-day training workshop, participants are taught about the manager mindset, then learn and practice the skillset with real world scenarios that each participant brings to the training.

When:  Monday 7th April, 9am to 4.30pm

Where: Taranaki Chamber of Commerce, Devon Street, New Plymouth

Trainer – Tim Waite Tim became an Authorised Consulting Affiliate for Blanchard® Aotearoa New Zealand in 2021 and is based in Hāwera. The ability to offer world class leadership programmes in his local region and providing small business owners the same opportunities as larger corporates is something he prides himself in.

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor here.

Download the Programme Overview here

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CANTERBURY - Building Trust - April 2025

April 15, 2025
In Person
560 +GST /pp
10% concession for Enterprise North Canterbury Members

Great leadership begins with a workplace culture built on trust. 

Trust is at the heart of every relationship and is especially critical in the workplace. In fact, the primary factor affecting employee turnover is whether or not the employee and their manager develop a trusting relationship. Our Building Trust programme teaches how to build and maintain trust, to increase engagement, foster creativity, and garner commitment.

When:  Tuesday 15th April 2025 9am to 1pm

Where: Enterprise North Canterbury, 143 Williams Street, Kaiapoi

Trainer: Marina Shearer Marina has 30 years experience as a facilitator and coach, and is based in Waiau, North Canterbury.  Marina's expertise is in Leadership Development, Social Emotional Intelligence and Communication.

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CHRISTCHURCH - Blanchard Management Essentials - May 2025

May 1, 2025
In Person
1125 +GST /pp

Help your managers succeed by giving them the essential skills to balance relationships with results.

Blanchard Management Essentials is a world-class, transformational leadership programme delivered by a local facilitator for NZ managers. It is ideal for upskilling new managers or consolidating the skills of experienced leaders.

This practical and effective one-day course, with content from The One Minute Manager® introduces the Four Core Conversations model, and the Four Essential Skills, culminating in a highly effective framework for managing people and performance. It helps leaders answer their team members’ three fundamental questions:

  • What do I have to do? (Goal Setting Conversation)
  • Am I doing it right, and if not, what behaviours do I have to change to do a good job? (Praising and/or Redirecting Conversations)
  • How did I get on with mastering that task/completing that project, and what did we learn? (Wrapping Up Conversations)

During this one-day training workshop, participants are taught about the manager mindset, then learn and practice the skillset with real world scenarios that each participant brings to the training.

When:  Thursday 1st May 2025, 9am to 4.30pm

Where: c/- Wools New Zealand, 10 Hammersmith Drive, Wigram, Christchurch

Trainer:  Carole Peterson Carole is an experienced coach, leader and HR Manager who has worked with many leaders from different sectors for more than 30 years. She has a positive, friendly story-telling approach and has a wealth of knowledge in "all things people". As a facilitator of the Blanchard suite of experiences she enjoys supporting people to learn, develop and practice new skills and take them back to the workplace to enhance leadership.

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor here.

Download the Programme Overview here

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MANAWATŪ - Blanchard Management Essentials - May 2025

May 15, 2025
In Person
1125 +GST /pp
10% concession for Manawatū Business Chamber members

Help your managers succeed by giving them the essential skills to balance relationships with results.

Blanchard Management Essentials is a world-class, transformational leadership programme delivered by a local facilitator for NZ managers. It is ideal for upskilling new managers or consolidating the skills of experienced leaders.

This practical and effective one-day course, with content from The One Minute Manager® introduces the Four Core Conversations model, and the Four Essential Skills, culminating in a highly effective framework for managing people and performance. It helps leaders answer their team members’ three fundamental questions:

  • What do I have to do? (Goal Setting Conversation)
  • Am I doing it right, and if not, what behaviours do I have to change to do a good job? (Praising and/or Redirecting Conversations)
  • How did I get on with mastering that task/completing that project, and what did we learn? (Wrapping Up Conversations)

During this one-day training workshop, participants are taught about the manager mindset, then learn and practice the skillset with real world scenarios that each participant brings to the training.

When:  Thursday 15th May 2025, 9am to 4.30pm

Where: Manawatu Business Chamber of Commerce, Level 1/74 Grey Street, Palmerston North Central, Palmerston North 4440

Trainer: Tim Waite Tim became an Authorised Consulting Affiliate for Blanchard® Aotearoa New Zealand in 2021 and is based in Hāwera. The ability to offer world class leadership programmes in his local region and providing small business owners the same opportunities as larger corporates is something he prides himself in.

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor here.

Download the Programme Overview here

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TAURANGA - Blanchard Management Essentials - May 2025

May 22, 2025
In Person
1125 +GST /pp

Help your managers succeed by giving them the essential skills to balance relationships with results.

Blanchard Management Essentials is a world-class, transformational leadership programme delivered by a local facilitator for NZ managers. It is ideal for upskilling new managers or consolidating the skills of experienced leaders.

This practical and effective one-day course, with content from The One Minute Manager® introduces the Four Core Conversations model, and the Four Essential Skills, culminating in a highly effective framework for managing people and performance. It helps leaders answer their team members’ three fundamental questions:

  • What do I have to do? (Goal Setting Conversation)
  • Am I doing it right, and if not, what behaviours do I have to change to do a good job? (Praising and/or Redirecting Conversations)
  • How did I get on with mastering that task/completing that project, and what did we learn? (Wrapping Up Conversations)

During this one-day training workshop, participants are taught about the manager mindset, then learn and practice the skillset with real world scenarios that each participant brings to the training.

When:  Thursday 22nd May 2025, 9am to 4.30pm

Where: TBC

Trainer:  Dave Cordery  Dave is a Consulting Partner and Master Trainer who is passionate about helping people achieve transformation in the leadership space optimising both their own and their organisation’s performance.

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor here.

Download the Programme Overview here

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CHRISTCHURCH - Essential Motivators - May 2025

May 22, 2025
In Person
1125 +GST /pp

Boost collaboration by better understanding what motivates yourself and others

When individuals better understand themselves, they can bring their best skills and talents to their work. Essential Motivators teaches a framework to help learners identify their pattern of core psychological needs, values, talents, and behaviours so they can better understand themselves and others, be more effective, and appreciate different perspectives.

Essential Motivators teaches an easy-to-apply system of four patterns—Air, Earth, Fire, and Water—that helps people become more comfortable with themselves and more collaborative and effective with others.

During this one-day training workshop, participants are guided through a process of self-discovery to discover their Essential Motivators pattern. In this process, they:

  • Discover their superpower—who they are at their core and their special skills
  • Understand themselves at a deeper level and how their core needs influence them
  • Learn to accept others for who they are and what they need
  • Work more effectively with others, improve communication, and resolve conflict

When:  Thursday 22nd May 2025, 9am to 4.30pm

Where: TBC

Trainer:  Carole Peterson Carole is an experienced coach, leader and HR Manager who has worked with many leaders from different sectors for more than 30 years. She has a positive, friendly story-telling approach and has a wealth of knowledge in "all things people". As a facilitator of the Blanchard suite of experiences she enjoys supporting people to learn, develop and practice new skills and take them back to the workplace to enhance leadership.

Download the Programme Overview here

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AUCKLAND - Blanchard Management Essentials - June 2025

June 12, 2025
In Person
1125 +GST /pp

Help your managers succeed by giving them the essential skills to balance relationships with results.

Blanchard Management Essentials is a world-class, transformational leadership programme delivered by a local facilitator for NZ managers. It is ideal for upskilling new managers or consolidating the skills of experienced leaders.

This practical and effective one-day course, with content from The One Minute Manager® introduces the Four Core Conversations model, and the Four Essential Skills, culminating in a highly effective framework for managing people and performance. It helps leaders answer their team members’ three fundamental questions:

  • What do I have to do? (Goal Setting Conversation)
  • Am I doing it right, and if not, what behaviours do I have to change to do a good job? (Praising and/or Redirecting Conversations)
  • How did I get on with mastering that task/completing that project, and what did we learn? (Wrapping Up Conversations)

During this one-day training workshop, participants are taught about the manager mindset, then learn and practice the skillset with real world scenarios that each participant brings to the training.

When:  Thursday 12th June 2025, 9am to 4.30pm

Where: Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre, Mt Wellington, Auckland

Trainer:  Andy Graves  Andy has been facilitating and coaching for many years in corporate organisations in the UK and New Zealand. Andy believes in achieving high performance and outstanding results through building increased capability and inspiring targets in engaging and interactive ways.

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor here.

Download the Programme Overview here

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WELLINGTON - The SLII® Experience - June 2025

June 16-17, 2025
In Person
2795 +GST /pp

SLII® is a proven, time-tested leadership model that has been used to train over 5 million managers in the world’s most respected organisations. During this two-day in-person workshop you'll learn a new language of leadership that will help you increase the quality and quantity of conversations you have with your team, accelerate their development, increase their performance, and support autonomy.  

After completing this course, participants will be trained to

  • Compare their perceptions of their leadership style with those of their boss, colleagues, and direct reports
  • Learn how to develop competent and committed employees by diagnosing their development level, then managing with the appropriate leadership style
  • Learn how to reach agreement with others about how much direction and support they need to reach their goals
  • Use case studies, games and video situations to apply SLII to your own real-life situations

Delivery: Monday 16th & Tuesday 17th June 2025, 8.30am to 5.00pm daily

Where: TBC

Trainer:  Dave Cordery  Dave is a Consulting Partner and Master Trainer who is passionate about helping people achieve transformation in the leadership space optimising both their own and their organisation’s performance.

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor here.

Download the Programme Overview here

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WELLINGTON - SLII® Training for Trainers - June 2025

June 16-19, 2025
In Person
8495 +GST /pp

The SLII Experience™ uses game-changing techniques that immerse learners in SLII deeply, and effectively. It’s an award-winning and dynamic design, and you can learn how to facilitate it. The Training for Trainers (T4T) program thoroughly prepares prospective practitioners, so they feel confident, motivated, and prepared to roll out The SLII Experience in their organisations.

Prerequisite:  Trainers must complete The SLII Experience™ workshop before attending Training for Trainers.

When:  Monday 16th through to Thursday 19th June 2025, 8.30am to 5.00pm daily

Where: TBC

Trainer:  Robert Bryce Robert is an SLII® Master Trainer, based in Auckland, who is passionate and enthusiastic about the work he does. His goal is to help people become self reliant, effective leaders. Robert enjoys working with teams to develop culture, purpose and values that lead to high performance.

Download the Programme Overview here

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TARANAKI - Leading People Through Change - June 2025

June 24, 2025
In Person
1125 +GST /pp
10% concession for Taranaki Chamber Members

Leadership agility helps organisations adapt to change successfully

Learn a proven approach to leading your people through organisational change.  The most successful companies stay ahead of the competition by making change a part of their corporate culture. Leaders who know how to lead organisational change proactively surface and address employees’ concerns and involve them throughout the process, which moves the entire organisation forward.

The Leading People Through Change one-day course trains leaders how to identify and address stages of concern that employees go through when asked to change and how to use the appropriate change strategy and corresponding behaviours to address that concern. This high-involvement approach decreases the feeling of being controlled and builds momentum for change.

When:  Tuesday 24th June 2025, 9am to 5.00pm

Where: Taranaki Chamber of Commerce, Devon Street, New Plymouth

Trainer – Tim Waite Tim became an Authorised Consulting Affiliate for Blanchard® Aotearoa New Zealand in 2021 and is based in Hāwera. The ability to offer world class leadership programmes in his local region and providing small business owners the same opportunities as larger corporates is something he prides himself in.

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor here.

Download the Programme Overview here

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MANAWATŪ - Leading People Through Change - June 2025

June 30, 2025
In Person
1125 +GST /pp
10% concession for Manawatū Business Chamber members

Leadership agility helps organisations adapt to change successfully

Learn a proven approach to leading your people through organisational change.  The most successful companies stay ahead of the competition by making change a part of their corporate culture. Leaders who know how to lead organisational change proactively surface and address employees’ concerns and involve them throughout the process, which moves the entire organisation forward.

The Leading People Through Change one-day course trains leaders how to identify and address stages of concern that employees go through when asked to change and how to use the appropriate change strategy and corresponding behaviours to address that concern. This high-involvement approach decreases the feeling of being controlled and builds momentum for change.

When:  Monday 30th June 2025, 9am to 5.00pm

Where: Manawatu Business Chamber of Commerce, Level 1/74 Grey Street, Palmerston North Central, Palmerston North 4440

Trainer – Tim Waite Tim became an Authorised Consulting Affiliate for Blanchard® Aotearoa New Zealand in 2021 and is based in Hāwera. The ability to offer world class leadership programmes in his local region and providing small business owners the same opportunities as larger corporates is something he prides himself in.

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor here.

Download the Programme Overview here

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VIRTUAL Coaching Essentials - August 2025

August 26-28, 2025
1125 +GST /pp

Coaching Essentials teaches coaching skills for managers using a practical training method designed to give managers the mindset, essential skills, and structured process needed to accelerate development and bring out the best in their people.  

Delivery: 3x 2hr sessions in a live virtual classroom, 3.30pm to 5.30pm on 26th, 27th & 28th August 2025

Meet the Trainer – Marina Shearer

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor here.

Download the Programme Overview here

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TARANAKI - Building Trust - September 2025

September 11, 2025
In Person
560 +GST /pp
10% concession for Taranaki Chamber Members

Great leadership begins with a workplace culture built on trust. 

Trust is at the heart of every relationship and is especially critical in the workplace. In fact, the primary factor affecting employee turnover is whether or not the employee and their manager develop a trusting relationship. Our Building Trust programme teaches how to build and maintain trust, to increase engagement, foster creativity, and garner commitment.

When:  Thursday 11th September 2025 9am to 1pm

Where: Taranaki Chamber of Commerce, Devon Street, New Plymouth

Trainer: Tim Waite Tim became an Authorised Consulting Affiliate for Blanchard® Aotearoa New Zealand in 2021 and is based in Hāwera. The ability to offer world class leadership programmes in his local region and providing small business owners the same opportunities as larger corporates is something he prides himself in.

Download the Programme Overview Here

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